Convert Text to Morse Code

Decode and Encode Morse Code with Morse Translator

Morse Code Translator

What is Morse code?

Morse code is a method of encoding text characters using sequences of dots and dashes to represent letters, numbers, and punctuation. It was developed by Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail in the 1830s and 1840s for use with their newly invented telegraph. Morse code was widely used for long-distance communication before the advent of modern telecommunications.

In Morse code, each letter and number is represented by a unique combination of dots (short signals) and dashes (long signals). The code is designed to be easily transmittable over telegraph lines or through other forms of communication.

How to translate text to Morse Code?

A Morse Code translator converts text or messages into Morse Code and vice versa. Morse Code is a method of encoding text characters using sequences of dots and dashes to represent letters and numbers. It was historically used for long-distance communication, especially in telegraphy.

The Morse Code representation for each letter of the alphabet:

  • A: “.-“
  • B: “-…”
  • C: “-.-.”
  • D: “-..”
  • E: “.”
  • F: “..-.”
  • G: “–.”
  • H: “….”
  • I: “..”
  • J: “.—“
  • K: “-.-“
  • L: “.-..”
  • M: “–“
  • N: “-.”
  • O: “—“
  • P: “.–.”
  • Q: “–.-“
  • R: “.-.”
  • S: “…”
  • T: “-“
  • U: “..-“
  • V: “…-“
  • W: “.–“
  • X: “-..-“
  • Y: “-.–“
  • Z: “–..”

Additionally, here are the Morse Code representations for the numbers 0-9:

  • 0: “—–“
  • 1: “.—-“
  • 2: “..—“
  • 3: “…–“
  • 4: “….-“
  • 5: “…..”
  • 6: “-….”
  • 7: “–…”
  • 8: “—..”
  • 9: “—-.”

Examples of Morse to text and text to Morse conversions

  • Text to Morse Code:
    • Input: “HELLO”
    • Output: “…. . .-.. .-.. —“
  • Morse Code to Text:
    • Input: “…. . .-.. .-.. —“
    • Output: “HELLO”

Where is Morse code used?

Morse code is still used in various applications today, such as amateur radio, aviation communication, and some military contexts. Additionally, it is sometimes employed for emergency signaling and in situations where verbal communication may not be possible or practical.

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